Problems confronted to Pakistan concerning its overseas coverage; (There are more problems than solutions, there is need for awareness)

 Written By : Ifra Iqbal Khan 

Pakistan’s foreign policy has been converting over the years. These aren’t pretty much any individual
country but all nations preserve changing their foreign policy in step with the state of affairs and members of
the family. As Pakistan’s overseas policy changed within the nineties, it is barely one of a kind nowadays.
Can’t say a lot unique because Pakistan’s relations with the international locations with which it turned into
installed within the 90s are nevertheless installed these days, the most effective element is that countries
change their overseas coverage every so often primarily based on their pursuits. The analysis is what
issues Pakistan is presently going through.

Pakistan has established ancient and pleasant relations with China to a diplomatic degree, but aside from
this, Pakistan has additionally had diplomatic relations with America for decades, the best difference being
the America and downs within the members of the family among the 2. Understand that it is not even made
and it needs to be made and stored. However, if we look at the modern policy of Pakistan, Pakistan cannot
ignore the United States due to the fact Pakistan is in trouble without the IMF, and alternatively, China,
which is a milestone for Pakistan. Understand that it is a desire for each nation to preserve its interests.
Now it is a count of issue that the connection modifications depend on the state of affairs. Financial
assistance is being given. If it is said that America is neglected by Pakistan, then the economic system can
be destroyed and if China is unnoticed by Pakistan, then the country Could be destroyed. Thus, Pakistan
has confronted many problems in the beyond, after Sep 11, Pakistan was declared a terrorist country and
as a result Pakistan didn’t not only confront economic decline however also affected the reputation of
Pakistan. After this Pakistan has appeared at the FATF greylist multiple times when you consider that 2008,
signaling the company’s heightened scrutiny of money laundering and terrorism financing in the united
states of America. This greylist designation has had a big effect on Pakistan’s economic device, specially its
monetary services enterprise. In specific, the way in which the changing scenario of the vicinity, the
adjustments in Afghanistan, Pakistan-India relations, the developing effect of China in the vicinity, which
includes the US-China relations, are taking place, many such modifications are taking place. New
potentialities, concerns or troubles associated with Pakistan’s internal politics and overseas coverage are
seen. Especially within the nature of Pakistan-US relations, we see various troubles or an surroundings of
distrust prevailing and we are also trying to find new opportunities in foreign policy on a Russian foundation.
A robust self-presentation in a foreign policy has only one basic principle : domestic political and mainly
economic stability. But due to the fact we aren’t very robust economically on the internal level, this is the
reason why we are under loads of stress from international politics. In the context of Pakistan-US members
of the family, there are severe reservations approximately the behavior of the US in Pakistan. What
Pakistan has carried out in fixing the Afghan disaster and putting the desk for negotiations for the USA, the
Afghan government and the Afghan Taliban at the worldwide stage changed into really now not feasible
without Pakistan’s assistance, however as a result of the great distrust. America is seeing in the context of
Pakistan certainly highlights Pakistan’s difficulty. From 2001 to 21,Pakistan has been the primary best
friend of the USA in the context of Afghanistan. In America itself, there may be a reputation at the
instructional and highbrow degree that the solution of the Afghan disaster isn’t possible without the
assistance of Pakistan. But now the way a bill has been presented inside the US Senate and it requires that
the international locations and governments helping the Taliban be banned and the call of Pakistan has
also been included in that bill. Certainly, this conduct is a negation of Pakistan’s position and in Russia
America is attempting to shop itself through placing the load of its huge failure in Afghanistan on Pakistan.
Therefore, if Pakistan has given its robust response to this, it’s natural and also primarily based on the truth
that America is affected by double requirements. Many human beings noticed the US withdrawal from
Afghanistan as political isolation and stated that the United States has now left Afghanistan. Even at that
point, Rakim had written that the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan has surely taken the
region, however the United States will continue to remain in Afghanistan. Now that we are seeing the state
of affairs in Afghanistan, the role of America has increased and it desires to deliver Pakistan, together with
the Taliban, a tough time in Afghanistan. This is the reason that in the context of Afghanistan, America is
now closely leaning in the direction of India and America will run its proxy conflict in Afghanistan with the
assistance of India via sponsoring India.

Initially, the US had given a message to Pakistan to consist of India within the solution of the Afghan crisis,
but it could not be performed due to Pakistan’s competition. Now, both America and India have failed in
Afghanistan and in place of getting to know some classes from this failure, both are pursuing a policy of
revenge and isolating the Afghan authorities and growing pressure on Pakistan. This is the reason why we
are facing threats from America on one side and India on the other, who need to maintain Pakistan together
with Afghanistan unstable in place of seeing it stable. That is the reason why we ought to recognize the
essential factor in our foreign coverage context: America’s destiny position is to rebuild Afghanistan or it
desires to destabilize it in its revenge fireplace. If America’s coverage is to destabilize Afghanistan, then the
stability of Pakistan is also not proper to it. In such a scenario, how can Pakistan position its complete tilt in
the lap of America, which stands more with India’s interests than Pakistan? since its past relations with
Question arises here, will Pakistan dispose of those challenges or will it get into new problems

Posted in political issue.

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